Sunday, September 8, 2013

Big Win

Friday night we traveled to the high school football game over an hour away. The boys played well and won. 

Saturday we traveled over an hour away to a pee wee league football game. 

The boys did well there too. My nephew was the star of the game with his 360 spin breakaway touchdown run. 

Afterwards my wife wanted to come home. I was able to play poker all afternoon. I broke even for the day. 

Today we Had church.  Afterwards I cooked lunch then get ready for the poker Maximus series. I finished 90th in the first Maximus one dollar event for 35.00. 

I was also registered in a couple five dollar events.  I placed in the money in one of those as well. 

And the other one I stayed in the top 20 the length of the tournament. It got down to the top five and I was still running like a king. I ended up winning it for 1400.00. There's nothing like a 1500.00 day.  I still feel like I'm dreaming. 

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