Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Nothing exciting in tonight's session, besides the fact that a guy with 3 6 three bet big against my pocket aces.  His full house on the turn made me get sick all over my keyboard.  I also had a set of 9's on the flop fall to a 4 6, and I fell to numerous other horrible suckout's.  Then I played bad for a bit, thinking I was the king of the tables.  I was more like the duece of the tables. 

I finally straightened up after I lost another buy in and went to work from 5 buy in's down.  I played 1300 hands and ended up being exactly 3 buy ins down for the night.  Bah!

I got off late tonight as I'm getting ready to install a new system at work and have to work the bugs out this week.  When I got home I set up the crib that I've been putting off doing for several weeks and moved the dresser into my girls room.  She's all set now.  I guess we'll have to keep her since I went through so much work.

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